After that exciting prelude, I remember that I needed to get some treasure from the Chaos Temple, so I backtrack to find a cap, a healing potion, and a cabin (what?!). After cramming the cabin (which was broken into flat boxes thanks to IKEA) into my bag, I force Vic to equip the cap, seeing as he is a liability with his stupidity and lack of defense. I turn to get treasures from the right side to find that neither of the right doors can be opened without a KEY. So I guess I'll be returning here another time.
Once I cross the bridge, I head north to find a river that I can't ford. Disappointed, I walk AROUND the river and enter a cave inhabited by a blind witch.
CRYSTAL must be important. Why else would it be in all caps? |
The brooms tell me backwards to push B and select at the same time, and I get a nice world map. Thank you witch's area. As thanks, I will search for that CRYSTAL you are babbling about!
With my world map in hand, I head to the town of Pravoka. I am greeted with screams as I learn the town is infested with pirates!
This is your pirate problem? |
Oh! There are a lot of them! |
Boss battle number two, the Pirate Patrol, begins. I freak out as I see the screen filled with 9 pirates! One thing that jumps out at me is that the later Final Fantasy games can't have this many enemies at once, unless my memory is mistaken. My panic is quelled when Third String Attacker Vic slashes at a pirate. I cover my eyes in fear as I imagine Vic missing the pirate. I am pleasantly surprised as Vic hits the pirate for 6 HP and kills him in one shot! For random encounters to be so tough and boss battles to be so easy, I'm surprised at this NES title! No longer afraid, I proceed to kick the rest of this pansy pirate parade to high heaven and leave his boss crying in the streets.
Apology accepted, matey! |
Scoring a sweet new ride, I run to the inn to save my game before a random encounter kills me (ultimate irony following an easy boss battle). I now have another town of magic spells to learn. Unfortunately, unlike some future installments in the series, I have to PURCHASE magic, so off to the outside world I go. This is my first of many grind sessions in the game. Based on past playthroughs, I know once I hit Elf Land, the game will become more difficult. However, also thanks to past playthroughs, I know that I only need to get a new sword for Arek and just focus on getting the spells in this town. There are better pieces of equipment on the other side of the sea.
I spend the rest of my evening grinding random encounters for money and experience. Once I learn some Level 3 magic in Elf Land, things are going to get a bit easier.
Before programming Tales of Phantasia, Namco's WOLF TEAM battles my party. We show them who's boss! |
Coming up next time! With a stronger party, we cross the sea to Elf Land! And we probably grind some more to get more goodies!
Thanks for reading, and leave your comments below!
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