enter Kashuon today. It’s so great to be able to listen to new music! Two steps
in, and I’m already fighting monsters. The music may be new, but the monsters
certainly aren’t!
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Go away, you Grateful Dead fan! They'll follow you everywhere! |
walk to the center of the room to find the Sun Flame, but I can’t do anything
about it. I leave it to burn and open the door behind it with the Goddess Bell
(Miss you already Josef!). I enter the next room and Gordon is standing in my way.
He joins my party without asking for permission.
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This guy sounds very wimpy. After all, didn't he say he was in coward in the beginning? Why don't you wait here for me? |
involuntarily allow him to fight with me, and I replace his spear with the Mithril Spear I was holding onto (since I haven't trained anybody else with
a spear) and continue on my quest to find the Egil Torch.
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Ugh! So weak! |
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a second! First your hair was blonde, then blue in the menu, and now it’s
white? Make up your mind!
with the Mithril Spear, Gordon packs a punch (assuming he doesn’t die too
quickly). I continue to the next room and find a Cure spell. I teach Gordon
Cure, and then I turn around and teach Maria Ice and Bolt from the books I
have equipped. If I need to throw away some spells, I always have the option,
but I figure that Maria should know the three elemental spells since she is my
main magician.
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fell for it again! Are there ever treasures in these doors?
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declare a vendetta on doors! At least they turn out to be really easy!
head to the next floor, where I am greeted by the other annoying factor in
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Mazes! |
I navigate the mazes, I encounter several enemies, and I decide I can’t bear to
see Gordon have less than 100 HP. Since the monsters are not difficult here, I
proceed to beat the stuffing out of him.
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Recycled boss! |
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Can I go back to the wererats now, please? As a side note, the Ogres in this
game look like Blanka from the Street Fighter series!
my battle against the two Ogres, the Wizard Ogre (the one who looks like green
Blanka!) blinds my party and continually casts Ice 5. The darkness makes it
difficult to knock out the Ogre, but after beating it down, I change strategy
and make my party members cast spells to take out the caster. If I had thought
about it earlier, I would have finished the fight much earlier with less
damage. For all my hard work, I get the Hellfire item, but I don’t get any stat
boosts. I look at Onion Kid’s Leveling FAQ and learn that when the party runs away or is
inflicted with status effects, they gain no bonuses. I better start improving
that Heal spell so that I can take away status effects successfully in battle.
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Sigh... |
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Wait, one of these doors actually takes you to a room with treasure in it? I guess I will be OCD about it from now on! |
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Is this necessary? What's up with these awful blueprints? |
notice after two rounds that Red Soul absorbs magic, so I switch tactics and
have Maria cast Shell a few times to buff my magic defense while the other
characters attack. Red Soul uses level 8 magic spells, but it is not very
powerful. In fact, Red Soul eventually runs out of MP and has to fight me
physically, which is a complete joke.
as soon as I take two steps up, I get a surprise.
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Oh, come on! I'm right by the chest and just beat a boss! |
picking up the torch, I cast Exit and leave as quickly as I can. I save my
game, and right before I leave, I remember that I have to get the Sun Flame using the Torch, so
I walk right back into the castle (Thank God I remembered. It would have sucked if I went all the way home and
then be unable to continue without going back yet again, but at least the Sun
Flame is in the first room of the castle!). On my way out, I admire Gordon's progress.
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Much better! When you roll with Team Firion, you're going to get roughed up! Is it hazing if it's a fictional character? |
Kashuon Treasure Haul: Cure book, 300G, Gold Shield, Mithril Axe, Mithril Sword, Were Cane, Echo Screen, Antidote, Eyedrop, Gold Armor, Egil
Torch, Sun Flame
As I leave the castle, I watch the Warship pass by, chasing an airship that looks a lot like Cid’s.
As I leave the castle, I watch the Warship pass by, chasing an airship that looks a lot like Cid’s.
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Hey Cid, I thought that Warship was a piece of junk? Well, better head west ASAP! |
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!! |
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my temporary new mode of transportation, I head northwest and search for the
airship and the Warship. When I can’t find either of them, I stop in Poft,
where the girl in the front of town tells me to return to Altea. I heal up and
return to see what all the fuss is about (I’m getting sick of this Warship. Let
me destroy it already!).
the rebel base, one of the men wearing hats tells me that Hilda is being held
in the Warship, and another man tells me that the Warship often refuels north
of Phin. Minh tells me that Hilda wanted to greet me in Kashuon, so she boarded
Cid’s airship. While flying to meet me, the Warship chased it down and
kidnapped our all-of-a-sudden damsel-in-distress.
leaving Altea, I buy an Ether to replace the one I used, replaced all my Bronze Helmets with Mithril Helmets, sold a bunch of Antidotes and bought many Potions
and X-Potions. I take my Canoe to the north and decide to spend some time
leveling up before continuing the story.
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Wow, look at the difference! |
Coming next time! The Warship!
Thanks for reading, and leave your comments below!
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