Exploring My New Surroundings
New game mechanic alert! After my first random battle, I
remember that there is no experience in this game. At the end of battle, I just
get money. Looking at stats, I notice my sword and shield proficiency have
gotten numbers by them. The first number must be the level, and the second
number must be the amount of experience. A staple of the SaGa series is that
characters don’t gain levels. Instead, they get stat increases based on how
they fight in battle. It seems random and arbitrary, so I proceed with caution
and the probability that I will be grinding in this entry too.
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I know it's missing Guy, but that's because of the flicker. Look, though! I can cast on everybody now instead of just one person! |
Graphically the world map looks
nicer. The water actually moves now instead of being static! I try to use the
select B trick, but nothing happens. Come to think of it, nobody told me where
Phin is, but since I know that Palm is to the east, I will need to go anywhere but there!
While fighting some hornets, my
characters become poisoned, but it goes away after a round! Is that lucky of
me? Then Maria gains magic power, probably because I cast Cure on Firion. Naturally, I’ll want to play my characters the way I want them upgraded, but
poor Maria has only 5 MP! At the end of the fight, my characters cheer and make
their way across the enemies’ side of the screen. That’s a cute gimmick that
never returned.
Then I enter the town of Gatea,
across the lake from Phin. An old man tells me to be careful in Phin because
there are strong guards moving around. Another man tells me that there is a
dying man who escaped the Empire being housed in the bar at Phin, definitely
worth investigating when I get there. The Empire also appears to be constructing
a Warship.
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Look! I can buy revival items
now…if only I could afford them.
After buying a leather armor for
Maria (I also notice I can give any character any piece of equipment!), I
continue my journey to Phin. I fight some goblins, and Maria loses some
intelligence! I guess this is going to be one of those games where I have to be really careful how I play my characters.
In the next fight, Firion missed
for the third time in a row (Somehow he is gaining agility after each of these kinds of fights.), while Maria and
Guy take care of the threats (What is a Leg Eater anyway? It looks like a thorny plant.). After getting the
crap kicked out of him, Guy gains HP. As I approach Phin, an airship approaches
and flies by. It’s a really neat addition to what is becoming a more dynamic
world map. Even though the others are getting hit every now and then, Guy gains
more HP and vitality. I should have named him Tank because I am starting to see his role develop.
The Rescue Mission in Phin
Upon entering Phin, a captain
recognizes me as a rebel and kills me with no effort. I can’t even run.
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Good thing I saved. Why didn’t
they tell me this was a fight I had to survive? Wasn’t like that in the intro!
The soldiers in town are everywhere, but I can walk
in front of them without any problem—as long as I don’t talk to them. The town
is completely abandoned, and I decide to make my way to the pub to find this
wounded character.
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The shops suck in Phin. Nobody's around to take my order! |
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Wait, a random encounter in a town? This place really sucks! Listen closely, Hornets. Do you work for the Empire? |
There is a guard in my way to the
pub, but I find a place in the back of town to walk behind some trees and grass
to walk around the guard and make it there. It really is easier to sneak around
in this game than it is in Metal Gear. I wonder if he feels asleep?!
Then a gang of leg eaters attacks
me, and Firion joins the HP up club, leaving Maria in the dust. Guy still
dominates with 70 HP. After a couple more random encounters, I reach the pub.
If this were a stateside NES release, it probably would have been called a
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AAAAHHH! They're everywhere! Keep those rounds coming, Barkeep! |
The barkeep is angry that I
approached him behind the counter but then completely changes his attitude when
I utter Wild Rose. He tells me to investigate behind the wall to find the dying
soldier. Under the pub, I find three potions and a man in bed. The man is
Scott, Gordon’s brother from before, though he doesn’t look distinctive
compared to the other men in hats I’ve found before.
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I like that hat! Are you a red mage? |
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I would have told him the same
thing if I weren’t in such a hurry before!
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Oh, what a tease! |
He gives me the ring that he was
going to present to propose to Princess Hilda and then dies in bed. The game just started, and I already have one dead NPC; not good, people! With nothing else to do in town but pick fights with overpowered soldiers, I return to Altea to report the grim state of affairs.
Reporting to Base
On my way back to Altea, I stray a
little too far, and a pack of werewolves kill Guy with one hit! Thankfully
Maria makes the escape (and it’s funny to watch because the party slowly backs
away from the screen.)! I stop at Gatea and step up to the altar again, and it
lets me revive Guy for free, but now he’s back with 1 HP and poisoned (Weird! Was he poisoned before he died?), so I go
to the inn and rest. Unfortunately, the poison is still there! Three rounds
into the next random encounter, Guy still has not recovered from his poison,
and I think I may need to buy an antidote back in Altea! When I see that Guy’s
antidote will cost him 200G, I say no thanks and just decide to keep curing him
when he gets low on HP! Never have I dipped so low in a console RPG.
In the rebel base, I hand the ring
to Hilda, who hands it back to me. Firion does not mention that Scott loved
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No really, Hilda. I insist! Otherwise, I sincerely hope that you will not be wasting my inventory space with this ring! |
Then she tells me that I am
(suddenly) strong enough to search for the legendary mithril to make better
equipment for the army. I need to find Josef in Salmando because he knows where
to find mithril.
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Then wouldn't you want something better than mithril? |
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Does he hold the canoe in his turban? |
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First game in the series with Cid in it! A Final Fantasy staple! |
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I'm not sure, but I think Minh is a white mage... |
Coming next time! No, really, where DOES he keep that canoe?
Thanks for reading, and leave your comments below!
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